Not all humans are defenceless cattle either, some are armed with sticks, pistols and of course the bane of any zombie horde: the shotgun. One mutation turns a zombie into an Overlord which blocks the path of normal biters, useful in itself but then these Overlords explode with much more oomph and can also be given the jump mutation to fling your zombies in a direction of your choosing. As you might expect the mutations start off simple (explode, run, jump) but it is the combination of certain skills where the challenge lies. All mutations are paid for by using us a limited pool of DNA which can be replenished in a few ways including eating the flesh of the living and sacrificing your own brain eating minions. On occasion, you are given a few syringes of Romero that will directly turn a human of your choosing but these have to be used sparingly to get out of reach groups of humans.

As you progress new mutations are unlocked and give you a greater degree of control but obviously this is met with more challenging puzzles. Some doors will give under the weight of a zombie pounding on them, others have a button underneath that gives you control over when they can be smashed, also staircases can be flipped to guide the shufflers through the level.