The screen features black bars on either side of it, showing that the game wasn't even designed for widescreen gameplay, making the game feel even more like its being ported to a system it isn't a good fit for just to make a quick buck.
#Titan attacks for free#
It feels like something you would find on Newgrounds, something you would play for free for an hour to pass the time. However, there is no denying that Titan Attacks straight up looks, and feels, like a Flash game. When it comes to the graphics, I realize that indie games can't compete with AAA developers and I fully support pixel-art graphics – check out my reviews for other indie games for proof of this. I don't see myself ever going back to it now that I finished all 100 levels. I died only three times over the course of the game and the game took a little over an hour to fully complete.

Boss battles are nothing special, amounting to giant ships that take more shots to destroy but can shoot more shots at you they aren't bad, per se, but they don't do anything different either. Likewise, you'll probably end up killing off the parachuting aliens before they ever reach the ground. Skill shots don't feel like they take skill to pull off, as you'll likely shoot down crashing ships accidentally as you fire on everything else. The problem is, none of these elements are really fleshed out.

Aliens that eject from their ship can be captured by you, which awards you more money.Skill shots, such as shooting a ship that is crashing to the ground, award more money.You get cash for blowing up ships, cash can be spent on upgrades.
#Titan attacks upgrade#

Titan Attacks infuses a few new elements to the genre, such as: It's very basic gameplay that devolves into “shoot the aliens, don't get hit.” While Resogun was a very modernized take on Defender, adding in a few new elements to make it feel like its own game, Titan Attacks is almost a direct ripoff of Space Invaders. The aliens have different movement patterns (gaining speed when only a few are remaining), they shoot using bullets and mines, each level is split into a wave - there is really no need to go on, because if you've ever played Space Invaders at least once in your life you know what to expect here. You control a tank on the bottom half of the screen that can only move left and right, shooting the aliens as they descend from the top of the screen to the bottom. In fact, that's really the only way to describe it. The best way to describe Titan Attacks is that it's a Space Invaders clone. However, Titan Attacks is just not a good fit for the system, on any level.
#Titan attacks Ps4#
Don't get me wrong, if you've read my work on PS4 Experts you know that I welcome indies to the system with open arms and value gameplay over graphics. Instead, what I found was a game that really has no place on the PlayStation 4. In other words, I was primed to love Titan Attacks, having never played it on the PC, based on my positive experiences with Curve Studios back catalog.