The first person to score one hundred, by adding the values of their sets together, wins. Gin Rummy is played with a standard deck of cards, and the goal of the game is to collect a set of cards within the same suit that follows a numerical order or a set of numerically identical cards across each of the four suits. The optimal number of players for this game is two to six. Gin Rummy was invented in 1909 as a spin-off of the original game of rummy. The game is won by the first person to score five hundred points. The object of Uno is to match the colors and cards in your hand, being the first one to lay them down on the table. This game has been around since the early seventies, and since it’s been a central activity of numerous family get-togethers across the country. UnoĮveryone is familiar with Uno – a classic family card game designed and produced by Mattel. A trick is a set of matching cards by either suit or number. The game’s object is to collect the highest number of ‘tricks’ per round. The optimal number of players for Spades is between two and seven. Spades have been a popular card game among college students for almost a century now. The object of the games is to discard your cards in numerical order, either ascending or descending, as fast as possible until your hands are empty. Speed is designed for two players only but can be enjoyed by players of all ages. It’s a perfect pastime for a simultaneously exciting and laid-back afternoon with a friend. If you like exciting, fast-paced card games for two people, Speed may just be the game for you. Piles are divided by suit, and the cards should be piled up, starting with the King and ending with the Ace. The object of this game is to stack all of the cards in the deck in descending order across four piles. Solitaire used to be a competitive game for two players that eventually evolved into a peaceful, leisure-time single-player card game. These are some of the best card games: 1. This list is but a ‘drop in the ocean’ of all card games in existence, but they’re a good start if you’d like to experiment with which card games are more ‘for you. Whether you’ve never held a deck of cards before or you’re a card games connoisseur looking to expand their experience, we’ve got you covered with some of the best card games of all time. When this happened, card games became widely popular among all classes of people. This was due to the material for making cards being switched to paper and cardboard.

As the production process became easier and faster, obtaining them became easier too. At times they were even used in currency exchange. Cards weren’t always as accessible as they are today.